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Wisdom from Lavender

Last week a group of 15 of us gathered together at the Plant Wisdom Circle to commune with Lavender.

It became clear pretty quickly that lavender had called us all together because, while we all knew and loved lavender on a more superficial level, none of us had intentionally worked with her spirit before.

None of us had ever gotten to know her deeper, wider medicine, and she really wanted us to experience the power and timeliness of her medicine.

She brings strength and steadiness, attentiveness and presence, playfulness and power, connectivity, resilience and clarity.

She wants to be honored for her complex depth, not only her surface-layer of beauty and delicious smelling flowers. So I’m spreading the word!

Some common themes of people’s experiences included:

  • Being brought into full presence with the self and the moment; a focused attention

  • Clarity

  • Nervous system tending + resilience

  • Divine Feminine returning + connecting folks to their maternal lineage

  • Playful + powerful mixed together

  • A revolutionary; helping life return/healing the planet

  • A pollinator - associated with the bees + fairies + Gemini energy - spreading information/medicine/beauty - power of the collective, and each of us planting intentions in our little communities to spread into a wider tapestry of wholeness

  • Importance of the fullness of the life experience; over-wintering brings us hardiness

One of lavender’s main messages to me was about focused attention.

She reminded me that our attention is our most precious resource.

It allows us to be effective in our magic and in the world. It allows us to be present with people and create resilient relationships. It helps us smooth out our energy and find clarity in our lives.

She mentioned how we train ourselves to have short attention spans, which is one of the most detrimental things we can do for ourselves and the health of the planet. So she’s inviting us to practice honing our attention.

Practice focused awareness in meditation. And continue to bring the mind back to presence over and over again. This is the crucial, basic-training to be effective in energetic, spiritual, and magical work. ​

She also wants us to have resilient nervous systems so we can stay present and resourced during these changing times. Things are going to keep getting more intense for a while. And she wants to help us hone our capacity.

And the last thing I'll share, is that she invited me to focus my attention and presence on a quartz crystal and send very clear prayers and intentions into it for an extended period of time. Then, ask Earth where this crystal should be planted, and plant the crystal back in the earth.

This is one way we can weave together our magic and manifest the world we want to see.

If it calls to you, please do this practice.

May the medicine of lavender support you through the increasingly intense times.


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