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The Season of the Witch

Can you feel that we’ve entered into the "Season of the Witch?"

As if on cue when the sun moved into Scorpio, this past Tuesday I began to feel that familiar tingling in my body.

The way my heart flutters open, and the way my skin awakens to the whispers of the voices beyond the veil. I feel a physical yearning in my body to connect with the spiritual layers of life. I feel the heightening yet softening of my senses to perceive deeper intuitive inklings.

Do you feel it too?

This week we celebrate Samhain.

We celebrate the ways in which we are utterly fed by the lives of our ancestors, the dead, and the spiritual unseen.

And we in turn, feed them. We offer them food, song, story, and candlelight. We offer them an opportunity to share their stories, to impart their knowledge to us and through us.

We allow them to breathe wisdom from beyond the veil into our hearts and lives on this material side. We acknowledge that we feed one another in the ever-infinite exchange of life from one side to the other.

Death always feeds life.

We are literally fed by the sacrifice of our plant and animal kin, whose lives grow upon the nourishment of soil and compost. Compost made of death. Death feeding new life.

We cannot escape this fact. You are never outside of the life-death-life cycle. No matter how hard you may try to be. Samhain season asks us to stop and face this reality. To not only not run from death, but to honor death.

Over the past 10 years, Samhain has become my favorite Holy-day.

Interestingly, I never loved Halloween. As a Scorpio baby born 3 days before the holiday, you might guess that I embraced it. But I never got into the superficial way we celebrate this time of year with candy and scary stories.

As I returned to my Celtic roots and opened up my world to Samhain, to ancestor honoring, and to the deeper roots of Halloween, I began to cherish it. I now block out my evenings the entire week around Samhain to sit with my ancestor altar and commune with my ancestors and other guides.

Every year I am introduced to a new ancestor, and receive more insight into my lineage and their wise-ways that still live within me.

It is an incredibly precious window of time for me to have some serious communion with the Otherworld.

If you’re interested in exploring this, I invite you to make an altar in honor of your ancestors. Fill it with pictures, ancestral foods, candles, family heirlooms, or objects that represent your lineage.

Each evening beginning at Halloween, for about 1 week (official Samhain is 11/6 this year, which marks the half way point between Fall Equinox and Winter Solstice) light your candles, leave some food or other offerings on the altar, and sit in meditative connection.

Call on an ancestor you know and love to share stories or presence with. Or ask them to connect you to an ancestor you’ve never met. Feel how their lives pulse within you. Feel the way they still guide you from beyond.


2 new offerings to support you at this time of year:

First is ​The Sacred Seasons Autumn Inner Well​, a 6-module self-paced course to help you become the intuitive witch you want to be, versed in the language of the seasons and your own embodied wisdom. It includes video classes, embodiment rituals, plant medicine tutorials, and guided meditative journeys to connect with the more-than-human world.

The Heart as Portal to the Unseen World

The 2nd offering is a 1hr class called ​The Heart as a Portal to the Unseen World​, where we call in the spirit of Hawthorn to help us explore the wisdom of the heart as a magical gateway that opens us to the wisdom of the Otherworld. Where the spiritual forces of the Earth and the ancestors live. Where we can tap into soul and spirit guides, and become deeply connected to the magical nature of reality.

And if you're already a member of the Golden Stone Wisdom School's Mighty Network,


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