On this Sacred Threshold of Underworld
Here we stand at the threshold to the Underworld, to the dark goddess, to the journey of unraveling and expanding inwards and downwards.
As Autumn widens open before us, we enter into sacred ground.
Everything Falls Apart
It is the rule of the universe,
the writing encoded in the old ways,
the immutable force
that even the goddesses
and old gods could not forestall.
Everything falls apart.
It is laughable that we,
frail flesh and transitory form,
could resist what even
the most stolid mountain knows
to be its inevitable demise.
But the real tragedy
is our failure to know
that we can weave so much more,
without touch of our hand,
without tool or technique,
that our true and lasting gift
is our ability to speak
the Earth’s dream
back to her.
When did we forget?
When did we start believing
that imagination, relationship, and adoration
are bad words,
that letting ourselves dream
is anything but
the best use
of a life?
I, for one,
am only afraid of only one thing,
that through our small and selfish distractions
we will fail to hear even a single story
spoken by an unseen being
from out of the void,
and so do not reply,
“Yes, I hear you.
You are not forgotten.
Thank you for being here.”
Only if this were to happen
would everything,
fall apart.
Peter Fonken 2022
What a beautiful thought this is, and something I resonate with so deeply.
I believe so much of the real work of restoring our health and wellness as individuals and as a culture revolves around what is done in the unseen worlds.
What is done in the darkness. What is done in ceremony, in journeying, in meditation, and in deep contemplative connection.
It is done through relationship building with the invisible, yet oh-so-real, spiritual forces of the world. It is through these ways that we bring vitality to the physical world.
It is through these ways we remember.
We offer our ability to see and reflect back to the spiritual forces of life, just as they see and reflect to us. We witness one another. We learn from one another. We remember our wholeness.
Yes, it is true we are entering the season of disintegration and death and depth.
And yet, it is in this darkness where we weave the invisible spiritual threads that feed this life. Death always feeds life. We cannot escape this truth.
So it is in this darkness where we revive and revitalize the mystical and mysterious.
This is part of our sacred task in the darkness. Part of what we seek through our wanders in the shadows.
Only when we forget to honor this sacred aspect of the cycle of life do things really unravel and fall apart.
So as we begin to surrender into the Autumn waters, make a promise or prayer for these next 3 months. Give yourself over to the teachings of this slower time.
And let yourself be a weaver of the sacred by offering, witnessing, honoring, and listening to the unseen and spiritual underlay that sustains us.