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Learning to Love Your Body Even More

I have always been fascinated with the body.

My mom always told me that the majority of the incessant questions I had when I was little were about bodies.

Like: “how far back does my tongue go?” and “do statues also have stomachs?”

To live inside of a body has always seemed to me one of the most miraculous things. And the more I work with bodies, study my own body, and learn to listen to the depth of wisdom that’s held there, the more I am in awe. Truly, every day.

What pains me, is to see so many people battling with their bodies, hating their bodies, frustrated with their body’s symptoms, instead of having compassion and trying to listen.

The thing is, your body is always doing the best they can, always doing what they think they need to do in order to take care of you.

I know this can be hard to believe, especially if you deal with chronic illness or pain. But I promise, your body is trying to bring itself into balance somehow.

Once you partner with your body, your relationship will shift.

It might shift symptoms too, but even if it doesn’t, it will help shift the experience of living inside your body into one of more acceptance and peace. ​

What many people don’t understand is that your body is your unconscious mind. Your body holds all the parts of yourself, all the ages of yourself, all the memories and stories and beliefs. ​

One of the first steps to growing relationship with your body and your deeper self is to practice listening to these parts of yourself.

As Pauline Oliveros says, “Listen to everything until it all belongs together and you are part of it.”​​

Listen to your body. To all the voices, emotions, inner children, and yearnings until it all belongs together inside of you. Until you weave it into wholeness, into the wider love that you are.

This is part of what I help clients do in my Reconnection Sessions, and a big part of what we practice together in the foundation of the Golden Stone Immersion.

This crucial practice not only helps transform your relationship with yourself, but also helps you become more connected to all of life.

Because the more we become embodied, the more of a spiritual experience life becomes. ​

The more we learn to feel and experience life through our bodies, the more connected we are to the felt experience of being a part of nature, a part of the living earth.

So practice turning towards yourself today. Check in with how you feel. Ask your body what they need. And practice deeply listening with compassion.


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