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Drink in the Growing Darkness with Water's Medicine

The rains began on the Autumn Equinox here in Portland. A signal from Water that Autumn was underway. That Water was taking the reins and initiating our journey into the Underworld.

(In my Sacred Seasons Guidebooks I talk in depth about the medicine of the element associated with each season. The magical and spiritual qualities of how these elements overlay onto our lives and inform the season’s medicine. If you want to explore this further, take a peek at those.)

Water is an element of depth. Helping guide us inward, she sings praises to the death of things.

“How much can you surrender yourself?” is what she wants to know.

“How much can you cleanse from your being, so that only the raw and naked truth of yourself is left?” she asks.

Living in the land of the setting sun, she is calls in integrations and completions. She invites you to stop striving for a moment and come back home to yourself in a sacred pause of reflection.

She will mirror back to you your inner truth if you allow her to.

She is a great fan of emotions and letting them move. She wants us to feel, and feel deeply. She wants them to move us, in the undulating dance of surge and surrender.

I become so inspired by the watery Autumn months.

Part of me comes alive that has been parched over the past 6 months of Light.

I drink in the growing darkness. I drink in the anticipation of the emerging whispers from the shadows, and the dark feminine wisdom that bubbles up from the cauldrons of the inner Earth, and our inner realms.

And the sponge of my being becomes reconstituted.

I’m called over to sit at my altar more regularly. I deepen into kitchen witchery more frequently. I feel more content being home, and letting the present moment wash over me.

I know this seasonal transition into Autumn is not always easy for folks. Emotions get stirred. Grief may surface. All of this is normal.

  • How does this transition into Autumn land for you in your own body?

  • What have you noticed getting stirred in you?

  • What are you completing, and what are you being asked to surrender?

  • And what are you being called to deepen into?

The more we grow our relationship with the Water, with the darkness, and with our inner realms, the more we can soften into receiving the medicine that is being offered right now.

I’m always most inspired to create offerings for this time of year.

We had our first call of the Golden Stone Wisdom School on Tuesday, and gosh am I excited who has shown up for this cohort! I can already feel the depth building, and know it’s going to be a profound 6 months together.

We’re also a month away from my 6 week Plant Spirit Medicine course, Call Into Darkness, which begins at Samhain and ends at Winter Solstice.

This course is situated at the darkest time of the year, which dares us to explore ourselves more deeply. 6 plants will be your guides as you journey each week into a healing experience with one of them. You will develop or expand your relationship with the plants, and awaken certain aspects of yourself that they help guide you towards.

If you know you’re going to want support during these dark 6 weeks, or if you know that a deeply healing journey with 6 plant allies is something that you’re craving, you can save $100 now by enrolling in early bird pricing.

Wherever the Water and this darkening journey inward takes you this year, may it be filled with insight, feeling, transformation, and deep love.


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