Exploring what FUN actually means
From her research, Catherine Price determined that true fun consists of 3 elements: play, flow, and connection.
Shining your Light + St. John's Wort Medicine
SJW is a clear and steady light that reflects your worth back to you objectively, and strengthens your trust in your own light within.
What Fire has Taught Me
Summer gifts us many things, including the exploration of the element of Fire. In the Celtic Pagan tradition, Fire is exalted now, and we
Amplify your Light: A Summer Solstice Ceremony
We are invited to bathe ourselves in the light, and explore what it means for us and the world when we have relationship to this much light.
What does it mean to expand?
We are now just 1.5 weeks out from the summer solstice. We’re sipping in the final bits of breath in the wheel of the year before we...
Lughnasadh, Seed-Codes, and the Lion's Gate Portal
Tomorrow is the exact astronomical half way point between Summer Solstice and Fall Equinox. Half way between the sun’s zenith and when we...
You Can't "Fail" at Healing
Initiated by the cross-quarter holy-day Lughnasadh (sometimes called Lammas), this festival honors the first harvest of the year, as well...
5 Ways to Build Relationship with the Sun
As we reach the crowning height of the sun’s expansive reach over the next couple weeks, I invite you to intentionally track how light,...
Happy Lughnasadh! Ways to Honor this Mid-Point of Summer
Photo by Kitfox Valentin This time of year, late July and early August, enters us into the season of Lughnasadh. Often celebrated 8/1,...
St. John's Wort: Summer Light
St. John's Wort (SJW) has long been associated with the summer time and peak solar energy. Traditionally, it is said to be most potent if...