Learning to Love Your Body Even More
I have always been fascinated with the body. ​ My mom always told me that the majority of the incessant questions I had when I was little...
Shining your Light + St. John's Wort Medicine
SJW is a clear and steady light that reflects your worth back to you objectively, and strengthens your trust in your own light within.
Healing our Wounds of Separation + Disconnection
I'm guessing you feel this too: that we are living through a world crisis (perhaps particularly centered in the United States.) ​ We have...
The Body is the Way
Every Winter season I’m inspired to talk about the body: the sacred temple of matter that we’re residing in on this Earth-plane. ​ Our...
What is Belonging?
A sense of belonging feels at the heart of what motivates us as humans. We are wired to be a part of something wider, and know our place...
You Can't "Fail" at Healing
Initiated by the cross-quarter holy-day Lughnasadh (sometimes called Lammas), this festival honors the first harvest of the year, as well...
How Can I Love Myself More?
When Valentine’s Day rolls around each year, and there’s talk of love in the air, I like to contemplate how I can love myself more. How I...
What Does it Mean to be Embodied?
Embodiment is a term that’s thrown around a lot in both the bodywork and spiritual worlds. It can seem counterintuitive, as it appears...
How often do you listen to your body?
Photo by Raychan on Unsplash I'm guessing you, too, have been bombarded by Black Friday deals an overflowing inbox, and sensory overload...