Nurturing Receptivity and Surrender through Deep Listening
I've been recognizing lately just how much my life is supported and nourished by tendrils of deep listening. Deep listening to my body,...
The Subtle Hum of Space-Time Within Us
Last week I read about the scientific discovery that the waves of energy from the birth of the universe are still subtly vibrating in...
Subjectifying Life: turning What into Who
Do you believe in a wider life force that moves through all things? A sacredness that imbues animacy to both us and the world around us?...
5 Ways to Build Relationship with the Sun
As we reach the crowning height of the sun’s expansive reach over the next couple weeks, I invite you to intentionally track how light,...
A Ceremony for Releasing Winter's Grasp
We are in our final week of Winter’s grasp, and in our last traipses through the landscape of the element of Earth this time round the...
What are Your Unworthiness Tales?
A client came to me because he was experiencing abdominal pain, and had gone through all the Western medical check-ups and tests, which...
Happy Lughnasadh! Ways to Honor this Mid-Point of Summer
Photo by Kitfox Valentin This time of year, late July and early August, enters us into the season of Lughnasadh. Often celebrated 8/1,...
The Gift of Winter
Many of us experience dread or depression as we enter late fall and early winter. The days shorten and the darkness descends thick upon...