Welcoming the Transition to Spring with Intention
The Spring Equinox is upon us, which will usher us into the light half of the year. For the next 6 months we will be in the domain of...
Equinox Medicine: Holding Duality within Ourselves
The land is waking up around us. (I’m sure you’ve noticed.) The crocuses and daffodils have shown up first to the party, showcasing their...
Magic disappears when you think you know everything
The other day, I stood beneath a tree looking dazzling in her red gown, as I listened to the raindrop sounds of the leaves falling to the...
Lughnasadh, Seed-Codes, and the Lion's Gate Portal
Tomorrow is the exact astronomical half way point between Summer Solstice and Fall Equinox. Half way between the sun’s zenith and when we...
A Ceremony for Releasing Winter's Grasp
We are in our final week of Winter’s grasp, and in our last traipses through the landscape of the element of Earth this time round the...
Happy Lughnasadh! Ways to Honor this Mid-Point of Summer
Photo by Kitfox Valentin This time of year, late July and early August, enters us into the season of Lughnasadh. Often celebrated 8/1,...