If I had One Word for Winter
Happy New Year Dear One. I hope that this turning of the corner from Autumn to Winter has been slow and easeful for you. (It’s important...
What if Rest was Considered a Contribution to Society?
In just 2 days, November 7th will mark astronomical Samhain, the half way point between Fall Equinox and Winter Solstice. (Check out one...
Magic disappears when you think you know everything
The other day, I stood beneath a tree looking dazzling in her red gown, as I listened to the raindrop sounds of the leaves falling to the...
Drink in the Growing Darkness with Water's Medicine
The rains began on the Autumn Equinox here in Portland. A signal from Water that Autumn was underway. That Water was taking the reins and...
Lughnasadh, Seed-Codes, and the Lion's Gate Portal
Tomorrow is the exact astronomical half way point between Summer Solstice and Fall Equinox. Half way between the sun’s zenith and when we...
We are living with a living world, and it needs you
We are living with a living world. The waterways, stones, trees, and mountains... all of it ensouled and wise. All of it with medicine to...
Subjectifying Life: turning What into Who
Do you believe in a wider life force that moves through all things? A sacredness that imbues animacy to both us and the world around us?...
The Fertile Center of Spring: Beltane's Beauty
As we approach the fertile center of the Spring season, we find ourselves greeting the season of Beltane (meaning "bright fire"), usually...
Devil's Club: Authenticity, Boundaries, and Deep Love
As the Earth's energy rises this Spring, we too, are invited to receive this energy rising up within us, connecting us to our own inner...
A Ceremony for Releasing Winter's Grasp
We are in our final week of Winter’s grasp, and in our last traipses through the landscape of the element of Earth this time round the...