The Power of Craniosacral Work during Liminal Times
"Worms will not eat living wood where the vital sap is flowing; rust will not hinder the opening of a gate when the hinges are used each...
Healing Ourselves in a Wounded World
With rampant violence and fear in our world today, it can be really difficult to find center and peace in our bodies and minds. Living in...
Spring Equinox: Exploring Balance
As we arrive at the spring equinox, we are hovering in momentary balance between day and night, light and dark. These two forces of...
The Stories of Power
We all have stories about what power means and represents in our lives. They morph as we grow, shift as we take on and lose identities....
5 Ways to Tend to Your Body in the Midst of Winter
Photo Credit: Allison Mulvaney Here in Portland, OR we have received a rare snow event, leaving many of us stranded at home under a foot...